4th IndoVASC

Yogyakarta Marriott Hotel

July 4-6, 2024

Navigating the Complexity of Vascular Diseases:

A Multidisciplinary Symposium on Innovative Approaches to The Latest Diagnosis and Treatment  

Welcome Message

Suko Adiarto, MD, PhD.

Head of Vascular Working Group of Indonesian Heart Association

On behalf of the Vascular Working Group of Indonesian Heart Association, I would like to greet you the warmest welcome to this meeting which will be held in Jogjakarta.

The multi-disciplinary character of vascular medicine embodies the true nature of vascular science and should provide a unique forum for scientific discussion on all critical issues concerning the management and care of vascular patients. New exciting developments have occured in our different fields within vascular science, all aiming to better serve our patients and alleviate the burden of human suffering related to vascular diseases.

Vascular disorders constitute one of the most serious problems of our time. Although many advances have been made in the understanding, diagnosis and treatment, there is an ever present need for healthcare professionals to keep up with rapidly evolving developments.

The Organizing Committee are developing and stimulate informative and up to date session devoted to various aspects of diagnosis and management of vascular diseases. Furthermore,  we also discuss the evidences for diagnosis and management of vascular diseases to strengthen our professional capability in order to meet the challenges today and in the coming future.

It is our honor to invite you to participate in this event, wishing and hoping to share with you a creative congress.

We look forward to welcoming you at the Marriott Hotel Jogjakarta for the 4th IndoVascular Congress

M. Taufik Ismail, MD.

Chairman of the Organizing Committee

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the The 4th IndoVascular Congress, to be held in July 04 – 06, 2024, at the Marriott Hotel, Jogjakarta, with the theme “Navigating the Complexity of Vascular Diseases: A Multidisciplinary Symposium on Innovative Approachs to The Latest Diagnosis and Treatment.”

On behalf of the organizing committee, it is an honor to meet you. We are developing stimulate, informative and up to date session devoted to various aspects of vascular diagnosis and management in daily practice. Nevertheless, we have to be able to put all the evidences and promises in embrace of our professional capability in order to cope with our problems and challenges today and in the coming future.

The scientific program of the congress will include several hot topics in the vascular field, will aim to establish giudelines for a scientific based medical practice and I am sure it will attract a vast audience and active participation.

As always, the scientific program will consist of  state of the art sessions, main and satellite symposium as well as workshops.

We are indebted to our very supportive pharmaceutical companies and medical industries for this synergistic and invaluable input, sponsorship and participation.

We hope that all participants will obtain the maximum benefit from the international experts, beside the experts from our own country in this interesting and stimulating meeting, and can be used as a place to meet new as well as to renew our friendship.

Welcoming you all to Jogjakarta!

Organizing Committee


Indonesian Heart Association

Indonesian Medical Association


RWM. Kaligis,MD.

Djanggan Sargowo, MD, Prof.

Hananto Andriantoro, MD, PhD.

Iwan Dakota, MD, PhD.

Hariadi Hariawan, MD, PhD.

Suko Adiarto, MD, PhD.


M. Taufik Ismail, MD.


Vito Anggarino Damay, MD


Novi Anggriyani, MD


Suci Indriani, MD 

Official Secretary

A. Tresna Reni

Scientific Committee 

Chairman of Scientific :  Taofan, MD.

Secretary of Scientific :  T. Bob Haykal, MD

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